About Us
With over 12 years experience in the industry, Mark, the founder of Helix, decided it was high time that the transplanting and silviculture industry entered the 21st century. With quality labour more scarce and expensive than ever, the industry demanded a solution that provided quick, reliable transplanting. Enter The Helix Seedling Extractor.

Labour is hard to find, hard to manage, and increasingly expensive.
At Helix, we know that time equals money. Your ability to automate the seedling harvest process is a key to your success as a grower.
Whether you’re a nursery, a specialist in forestry, or another area of the silviculture industry, The Helix Seedling Extractor has been custom-built with your transplanting needs at it’s core.
It’s also been built with your bottom line in mind. With the same capabilities, flexibility, and reliability as machines demanding a much higher price, the Seedling Extractor is the honest man’s solution. Find out about our company, including our founder Mark, here.
Contact us today to find out how the Seedling Extractor can increase your transplanting output by over 1000x.
Find out about the Seedling Extractor’s specific abilities and features here.
The Helix Seedling Extractor
Unit 4, 2120 Paramount Crescent
Abbotsford BC V2T6A5
Tel: +1 604-805-6711